Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Lost Art Of Letter Writing: From Myrtle to Tom

                                                                                                     23 July 1922
Dearest Tom,
It's been such a long while since you've visited me here in the Valley of Ashes. George has been too busy puttering around the shop to pay any attention to me, and I've been awfully lonely because of this. I fill my time thinking of you, and when I will see you next. It's times like this I wish I had kept the puppy you bought me; I've heard that many of the upper-class ladies living in East Egg keep dogs as pets. I could never keep a dog here though. Not because of George, I doubt he would even notice (he is quite oblivious), but because it would be a sin to keep such a sweet, innocent animal in this miserable place. Hopefully some day, you'll leave that wife of yours, and we can have our own house. Wouldn't it be grand if you and I had a house of our own? It could be a huge mansion, beautifully decorated, with huge stone columns, high arched windows, and in an extraordinarily wealthy neighborhood, of course. It would be just an absolute dream, my Dearest! Oh, I know I shall never replace your Daisy, but think about how lovely our life could be together! There would be no more sneaking around, no more secret meetings in Catherine's apartment, no more George and no more Daisy. I know, I should not speak of her so much. Judging by our last encounter, the mention of her name makes you simply mad. I know you didn't mean to hit me though. It was really all my fault; I apologize Dearest, it will never happen again! Oh Tom, you just make me feel so alive, it's hard to contain my emotions sometimes! I'm quite fed up with my life as it is now. I need a big, strong man like you to come and rescue me from this terribly grim place and from my dreadfully bland marriage. I refuse to call on you at home, because the last time I did it raised some suspicions among your guests, but I sure do hope to hear from you soon! Until then, I will be thinking of you...

All my love,